Saturday 30 July 2022

Not Much Happening

Not much happening on the JSSX this week, as the weather's been really nice here and I haven't spent any time at all really at the layout.

I was noticing this covered hopper though. Lettered for Nova Chemicals, this Walther's model has been around for a while and came as one car in a two-car set.

I gave it to a Not nephew who said he could put some graffiti on it for me.  Looks pretty good.  Then I did the dark streaks on the sides and not too long ago added the reflective stripes.

This similar 4-bay covered hopper was down at the Sarnia yard recently.

I have this way-too-clean-and-glossy looking 86 foot 8-door boxcar sitting out at the bench now awaiting weathering.  Just a matter of getting inspired enough to get to work on this very nicely made Tangent model.

Maybe this will be inspiration enough to overcome the inertia...
The same boxcar with the same number, as found at  This photo was taken by Alan Gaines in New Haven, get this, exactly 17 years ago today.  An overall flat appearance, plus a little bit of written graffiti in the centre portion promoting the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (?), as well as a couple of nearly unnoticeable small darker re-paint patches, and some dark streaking on the panel seams.

I like it, so all of a sudden, Jim's got a not too difficult looking project to work at.  No photos of the other side of this boxcar, so I'll look through that web site at other cars that are close in number to this one.

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