First up, I'm quite pleased that for the first time, I've had photos of my models printed in model railroad publications. Two magazines actually, and by coincidence, both are in the same month. I've made it into the August issue of Railroad Model Craftsman as well as the August issue Model Railroader. Single photos in both magazines. RMC's Boomer Trail section shows one of my patched GTW (former ROCK) boxcars (page 76) while MR has a photo of my GP38 #815 (page59) in their Trackside Photos section.
I don't even have the original photos anymore, as last October the hard drive in my laptop crashed "with extreme prejudice", and everything stored on the hard drive was lost. Perhaps I'll try to re-create the two photos in the magazines, and post those here next week.
As for the extended height boxcar that I'd been working on, here's a look at how the finished product turned out...