Saturday, 5 June 2021

NW 860180 Boxcar Part 2 (fin)

The Norfolk & Western boxcar is finished up for now, except it's not weathered at all, and has been seen out on the layout.  Just a couple of in-progress shots here, and then a look at the finished boxcar. 

I "plated over" a hole I had created (accidentally) in the underside of the car when trying to remove the old coupler box. I used a piece of .010 white styrene for this, and then added Details West coupler boxes and Kadee couplers.

Painted the styrene and the coupler box flat black

And here's some looks at the boxcar, now out on the rails of the GTW line...

In this view, seen as part of the auto parts train, just behind the scrap metal recycler yard.

A closer view showing the Excess Height band across the top of the end of the boxcar.  For the white band, I used two pieces of white decal trim film, then put the number and Excess Height decals overtop of that.

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