Friday 14 June 2024

This and That for June

I'm testing out this structure here to see how it works at this location.  I assembled and painted the main structure last year, and have had it sitting on a table away from the layout. The kit is the Walther's Roberts Printing kit.

The small warehouse portion at the left is not actually attached - yet.  An easy to assemble Pikestuff kit, I just put it together recently.  I think this will look a lot better after I can make a foundation around the bottom of that part to raise it's height.   

Below are a pair of 60 foot Norfolk-Western high-cubes that appear to be set out and waiting for their next move

Turns out that their next move was to another layout, as these two boxcars have been sold

Here's a look at the boarded up tower, the scratchbuilt ACME Welding shop, and the closed down and derelict Jimbo's BBQ.  Prototype for the ACME Welding is in London, Ontario

Kind of a sketchy area of the city here

Now, away from the layout and modeling, a couple of times a year I try to post a photo of a Great Lakes freighter, so here's one that I snapped this past Wednesday evening.  This is the American Century, coming into the St.Clair River from Lake Huron and on it's way to St.Clair Michigan with coal for the DTE power plant, and then onward to Monroe Michigan to Ford.

At 1000 feet in length, American Century is one of the very biggest freighters found on the Great Lakes.

And to close out, the Ford family in Detroit has been restoring the former Michigan Central train station in Detroit for several years. The station was re-opened just last week for tours.  Here is a link to a Detroit television news story about the 1 billion dollar (yes, that's billion with a "b") renovation.  The video runs a little over 5 minutes...

Happy Modelling Everybody

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