Friday 21 June 2024

Industry Kitbash

Thought I'd try to show what (little) more I've accomplished on the Walther's and Pikestuff kitbash structure that I had shown a view of last week.  It is however still a work in progress.

I said last week that I was wanting to add a foundation around the bottom of the Pikestuff warehouse, so I've got that at least partly done. I made the foundation of .060 styrene, and then laid concrete block patterned styrene sheet available through  overtop of that. That product is however 1:100 scale, so just a bit small for HO.

I'm trying out an open dock sort of area that might be used for loading or unloading the rail cars. From my parts box I also came up with a couple of silos and a tank that I think I can put to use.

This view looks along the spur 
An airslide hopper spotted in front of the silos, and a 50 foot boxcar can be seen in this view

For this photo, I've reversed the warehouse building

I think I like this orientation a little better, but it does force the covered hopper closer to fouling the adjoining track

A closer view of the covered loading area of the main building
A 50 foot boxcar spotted inside the loading area

Here's a view of what had been in this location before
This grey structure and loading dock are styrene scratch builds from a few years ago.  The small red brick building was a $2 train show find.

A little closer look at that boxcar from the views above when it was in front of the other warehouse
Former Maryland and Pennsylvania boxcar.  If you look really closely at the right-hand end of the car, you can just barely make out the faded old Ma & Pa graphic.


  1. The structures look great!

  2. I've edited that railroad name to the correct Maryland and Pennsylvania. Thanks to Luc for that.

  3. The set up in the first two photos feels more natural to me, you might regret the close distance to the switch later on.
    What type of industry are you modeling Jim? Would you consider removing the silos for a smaller detail like pallet stacks to create a sight line through to your other tracks? I have been working on an outdoor dock between two buildings set up similar to yours although a smaller footprint and I have come to appreciate the open space.

    1. Hi Sean. I'm thinking that I should shorten then length of the dock area to get away from that switch, and maybe just go down to the 2 silos. To keep the dock in the middle, to me, means that I have to allow for a forklift to travel between the two buildings which means moving the silos to the rear, which then means piping from a railcar to the silos has to go above the forklift. Not impossible, but trickier.

  4. The first arrangement looks like it was sprawling out over time, and the second arrangement looks more "planned". I think the first looks better, but both are nice.
