Friday 10 May 2024

Another Exterior Post SP Boxcar

I've added the "Search This Blog" feature at the top of the blog's sidebar.  So if you wanted to find some previous posting about something here, you can just type a few key words into the box and it should come up.  I tried it out as I was writing this, and it worked.  I got the idea while reading George Dutka's White River Division blog this past Monday, so, Thanks George.

I got away from the overpass project a bit this week, and finished up another 86 foot boxcar that I'd started quite a long time ago.  It's another of the exterior post SP boxcars like I've posted in the past, making a total of four of them that I've done.  I had put this one away, basically forgotten about it for what turned out to be many months, and just got it back out of the cupboard to try to finish it up.

Here's a few looks at this newest effort, SP 615202.

As I've noted on the previous cars, I was guided by an article in an old RailModel Journal magazine for this build and paint project.  The grey strip decals are the most difficult as they have to lie down over vertical and horizontal raised details on the doors.  I do them in small pieces at a time.

Had to buy 2 sets of the Microscale decals in order to have enough of the door stencils.  Also, the word "Hydra" is not on the decal sheet, so some cutting and trimming is required for that, including the letter "D" which I made from a "C" and an "I".

Here's a view of all four of the boxcars coupled together:
That's the newest car on the right.

I think they look really sharp all coupled together.

In the 1:1 scale world, this covered hopper had been hanging around the Sarnia's C-Yard for at least a week before I finally took these pictures of it.

Interesting that the artists worked around all of the markings on the car

That's it for now.  Thanks for looking, and have a good week everybody.