Friday 25 May 2018

I haven't really done much of significance on the JSSX this week, so I'll just offer up a few recent pictures from the area of the diesel shop here in Sarnia. A bit of variety on a hazy Monday, May21, 2018. We have from left to right: 
CN GP9RM 7022 with the long hood end up on blocks
CSX GP38-2 2561
Nova Chemicals switcher (in blue and white) but I couldn't quite see the number
exCN switcher apparently for parts use, but again I can't see the number
Lambton Diesel Specialist switcher 1515
Lambton Diesel Specialist switcher 1391.

Maybe they're changing out the electric motor or wheelset on 7022. I wonder if they had to take the plow off the front end to tip the locomotive up like that.

The two black LDS switchers have the letters "LDS" scripted on the long hoods, but are lettered JLCX on the cabs.

At the same time, just a hundred yards to the east, GP 38-2W number 4774 with a very well-worn paint job is coupled up with GMD-1 number 1437 as the two get ready for switching duties in C-Yard. It was explained to me that the crews aren't too happy about this consist, as one locomotive is turbocharged, while the other is not. They don't react to commands at the same time, making spotting the cars at loading racks more difficult.

I find the red flag in the foreground a bit interesting, as just a short ways to the right (west), that track merges into the main that runs through the St.Clair River Tunnel to Michigan, but 50 yards or so to the left, it's rails are removed.

And this picture's just a bit fuzzy, as I try to get accustomed to a new camera, but here's one of the GMD-1's, #1444, taken today.

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