Wednesday, 8 January 2025

A Couple of Mis-Matched Things

I don't think I've posted this picture before, but maybe.  It was taken quite a long while ago.  We're seeing GTW SD38 6256 rolling slowly through the simple 3 tracks GTW yard with what looks to be 7 loaded gondolas, 3 boxcars, and a plastic pellet hopper.  The JSSX engine maintenance area and office is seen in the upper portion of the photo as well.  And the 3 track JSSX yard to the right, with the short interchange track connecting to the GTW.

And nothing to do with the above photo, I've probably shown this boxcar here before, but I recently pulled it from the cabinet. The real story is that I had suffered not one, but two failed efforts at weathering this freight car a few years ago, gave up on it, and seriously thought about just throwing it away after the 2nd time  But then, I decided to try to make lemonade from that lemon, and this is what it turned out to be.

This had started out as a really nice looking (ExactRail) Rock Island boxcar, and as I remember, things spiraled wildly downward from there.  This is the result of not knowing what I was doing weathering-wise, trying to fix it and making things worse.  The white door tries to look like a replacement.  All of those brown rusty looking areas is really a lot of burnt umber trying to cover up where I had unintentionally removed areas of the original paint while trying to clean up earlier mistakes.

I actually kind of like it in this angle of view

Rusty roof too, but a couple of panels looking like they've been replaced.

Here's the Evans boxcar sitting at the Tri-State Paper dock awaiting loading.It actually does fit in kind of nicely on the railroad, so I'll be leaving it out on the layout for a little while.

One more view at Tri-State.

And just so you know what we're looking at, here's an image of what the boxcar originally looked like before I messed it up the first time, although not likely the same car number.
I have another of the same boxcar that I've only recently been working on.  Maybe I can show that one here soon.  It looks a lot better.  At least I think it does.

I hope you'll check in here next time.  Have a good week.


  1. As far as your double-whammie "failed efforts at weathering", that rust bucket of a boxcar has lots of eye appeal. Terry

  2. Hey Terry, thanks very much. I'm happy that you like it.

  3. Love that car!!! Spot on for RIP track body repairs and patches

  4. Thank you Anon...I like to bring this one out for a while.
