Saturday 5 September 2020

GLX Derail #2

Not a great deal has been happening on the JSSX this past week, but a couple of little things have been accomplished 

I have posted up a new photo for September up at the top of the blog.  With the rail entrance to the scrap metal yard on the left, and a string of 86 foot auto parts cars on the right, I thought it made for an interesting view.

I received two more of the GLX Derails recently, and installed one of them on one of the spurs along South Industrial Bloulevard.  This is a neat little detail, and it certainly adds an interesting something extra to the switching job.

I've posted about another GLX derail in the past as well, but this is a new one, so at the risk of repeating myself, here goes...

The GLX Derail is moulded in a greyish translucent plastic. It only took about 5 minutes to clean up with a small file, drill the #74 hole for the brass wire hinge, and assemble.

The derail is painted in yellow, and placed at this location to prevent the rail cars (out of the picture to the right, sorry) from rolling out onto the street.  

Someone from the train crew (me) is going to have to open up the derail each time access the spur is needed.

The train crew (me again) will have to close the derail when they leave the spur. The purpose of the derail at this location is to prevent freight cars from rolling out onto the street.

One other thing that I got done this week was in response to an observation that Mike Ferrell wrote in the comments 4 weeks ago.  Mike pointed out that the stairs to one of my storage trailers should be shifted over to the right instead of in the middle of the rear trailer doors.  
Mike was right, and now I've got that work order completed as well.


  1. The derail looks great Jim. Its nice when something is functional as well as nicely detailed. Good to see the staff can get things out of the storage trailer with ease now as well. ;-)

  2. Appreciate your comment Mike. The derails are a nice added touch. I've corrected my incorrect spelling of your surname as soon as I realized. Sorry for that.

