I was noticing a little trouble with one of my engines here hesitating a little bit in a couple of places on the railroad. So, time to clean some wheels and then to break out the track cleaner car. It's been a few weeks since the last time I did this.
Wheels first, I tear off a piece of paper towel, lay it on the track and dampen it with 91% isopropyl alcohol, and run the locomotive wheels over it in both directions.
There's the paper towel afterward with the marks from the wheels carbon tracks easily visibleIn case you've missed it, Athearn has announced their new CarKnocker Line of freight car models. Looks like it kicks off with RailGon and CSX gondola models that feature a swayed back, some with faded lettering, as well as a pair of data only models. They're looking for pre-orders, so who knows when the cars might actually become available.
Here's the link to the Athearn video announcing their new "Carknocker" line of models: Athearn CarKnocker Line Be advised that the video is pretty boring narration only until the 1:14 mark when they show images of those various gondola models.
And sending thoughts and best wishes out to our friend Peter.