Friday 19 January 2024

Weathering my JBOX car

Some readers will remember this boxcar that I painted years ago, that I've now realized falls under the category of hypo-typical. That's a term I've only just recently heard used, a combination of the words hypothetical and prototypical.

And you probably know that I like my 86 foot boxcars. I've shown this one on here a few times over the years, and I bring it out for a run on the layout occasionally.

An old Athearn blue-box car, with a couple of upgrades to help it operate a little better on the layout, I had always wanted to see what such a car would look like in the Railbox scheme.

I'll be keeping the JBOX reporting marks, because I like it and it's my boxcar and my idea. They already have RBOX, TBOX, and FBOX.  I went with JBOX mostly because J is my initial, but also given the large dimensions of the car, the J can stand for Jumbo boxcar.

It's just so clean and new looking, that it doesn't really fit well among my other auto parts cars.  And I'm finally getting around to doing something about that.

I removed all of the decals, and doing that kind of made it necessary to repaint most of the car, which I really didn't want to have to do.  Here's a look at how far along I've gotten so far, with most of my weathering completed.
The faded RBOX decals are made by PDC . I hand painted, with a very fine brush, some small areas with weathered black onto the yellow lettering in an effort to make them look like a bit of the black lettering had not yet peeled away.

I air brushed over the black doors with the weathered black to age them a bit as well.  The scratches and rust are water mixable Burnt Sienna and Burnt Umber artist oils.

Disregard the road name of this decal set that I've ordered.  I need the 86 foot boxcar data stencils done in black, and these ones fit the bill.  I'm waiting for them to arrive from CMR Products located in Pennsylvania.   
Maybe I'll use the old bar code labels included in this set too, but probably not.

I'll post more about this once I get it finished up and out on the layout. Meantime it's cold outside, so stay inside, stay warm, and if you can, do some modeling.


  1. Hi Jim you have done a wonderful job on this car...George

  2. Hi George...thank you so much. Still very much a WiP, but it'll get finished up soon and I'll post more then.

  3. I love the DTI weathering…….just fantastic!!!
