Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Southern Parts Car

How do you like the Tangent model 86 footer at the top of the blog?  I finished weathering that one up several weeks back, and I'm fairly pleased with how it turned out.

In the photo above, Southern 42525 is passing by in a train on the GTW line in front of the Tri-State Paper plant.

I weathered this one by referring to the prototype photo below of a similar car taken by Joe Pusey.  The model turned out a bit darker than I thought it should have, and I should have worn down some of the lettering a bit more, but over all it's pretty good.

What got my attention with this particular 86er was that wide rusty-orange band across the lower portion of almost the entire length of car

The Tangent model, brand new and just out of the box.

Masking was reasonably straightforward on the model.  I use painters tape, and stick it down to my cutting mat and then peel it off again a couple of times to reduce the stickiness a bit before I actually apply it to the model.

When I take a sort of portrait photo like this one of a model, I set it on a sheet of black construction paper that I picked up for a couple of dollars at the local Michael's craft store.  For some reason, the black paper always appears grey in the photo.  The lighting is just from my daylight  balanced led work light.

Another view from out on the layout

And a look at 42525 coupled with another Southern auto parts car

That's all for now, so thanks for looking in again, and have a good week everyone.  And a really Happy New Year too.